5 fun facts about cannabis
If you think you know everything there is to know about cannabis, think again! We at Origine Nature had some fun answering frequently asked questions and exploring a few interesting facts that will get people talking at your summer parties.
1. Does cannabis give you the munchies?
Yes, it does! According to a team of American researchers from Yale University, the reason for this may be neurological. Consuming cannabis affects the neurons that control our appetite. Normally, these neurons send a hunger signal to the brain when the body needs food, but cannabis makes them send this signal even when we don’t need to eat.
Source : https://www.europe1.fr/sante/On-sait-enfin-pourquoi-fumer-du-cannabis-donne-toujours-faim-774148
2. Does cannabis help you sleep better?
According to our research, this claim is neither true nor false. The effects of cannabis on sleep are a complex and controversial subject, as they can vary from one individual to the other and depending on how cannabis is consumed. The THC contained in cannabis is said to have sedative properties and increase deep sleep time, which is beneficial for physical and mental recovery.
However, cannabis can also reduce REM sleep time, an important phase to process memories and emotions. What’s more, regular use of cannabis for sleep can lead to tolerance, requiring higher doses to achieve the desired effect.
In short, cannabis can potentially help some people sleep better, especially if they suffer from pain- or anxiety-related sleep disorders. However, because of the risks of tolerance and addiction, as well as the variable effects on the sleep cycle, it is advisable to consult a health professional before using cannabis for sleep.
Sources :
3. Does cannabis make you happier?
Cannabis consumption generally produces feelings of well-being, euphoria and relaxation, thanks mainly to THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Some studies also suggest that cannabis can temporarily reduce stress and anxiety, although such effects may vary depending on the dose and strain used. But it’s impossible to affirm with certainty that it can make you happier.
The effects of cannabis can vary significantly from person to person due to genetic factors and individual predispositions. Regular use can lead to tolerance, requiring higher doses to achieve the desired effects, and can dampen the initial feeling of happiness or even promote depression and anxiety.
In short, moderation is always in good taste!
Sources :
The health and social effects of nonmedical cannabis use, World Health Organization
4. In which countries is cannabis legal?
You may be surprised to learn that cannabis has been decriminalized in North Korea, although this information is difficult to confirm. Recreational cannabis use is also reportedly legal in Russia, India, Austria, Uruguay and Peru, and possession of cannabis is allowed in Jamaica and Thailand. Finally, in the Netherlands, the use and resale of cannabis is regulated, but not legalized!
5. Did you know that cannabis was the first thing ever purchased on the Internet?
In the early 1970s, students at Stanford University in California made a business transaction with their counterparts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The students allegedly used the ARPANET network to discreetly buy and sell cannabis. This information was confirmed by writer Jamie Bartlett in his 2014 book The Dark Net: Inside the Digital Underworld.
Source : https://www.alchimiaweb.com/blogfr/premiere-chose-vendue-internet-cannabis/
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