5 things you should know about weed culture in British Columbia

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With a hippie culture that is still thriving and easygoing inhabitants, this province of western Canada is often perceived as open-minded and a great place to live in. But what about weed culture in British Columbia? Let’s take a closer look.

The black market is plummeting.
British Columbia residents prefer to obtain their cannabis from authorized retailers rather than turn to the black market. According to a recent study, 71% of consumers buy cannabis from licensed merchants, while 17% still purchase their products on the black market. Legal cannabis has clearly been gaining in popularity–in 2018, when cannabis was legalized, only 56% of consumers procured it from legal sources.

Will use in public places soon be allowed in BC?
Coffee shops, festivals, beaches, terraces–cannabis enthusiasts in British Columbia might soon be able to engage in recreational use in designated public spaces! This year, the province has conducted a massive consultation to determine whether the population would be open to the creation of cannabis consumption spaces, which would be operated in compliance with the federal government’s strict regulations. They could also boost the cannabis economy, help the industry’s smaller businesses set themselves apart, contribute to educating consumers, and promote legal products. The consultation’s findings are yet to be disclosed, so stay tuned!

British Columbians are renowned epicureans.
All it takes is a few days in Vancouver, Squamish, or the Okanagan Valley to notice that British Columbia residents love a good time, great food, and fine wines. According to Statistics Canada, British Columbians spend on average $2,700 per year at the restaurant ($800 more than Quebecers) and work an average of 29.5 hours per week. The rest of their time is spent enjoying nature…and life in general! It hardly comes as a surprise then that British Columbia is considered a mecca for cannabis lovers.

The thriving cannabis industry contributes to the province’s economic vitality.
The industry of legal cannabis benefits the whole of BC’s economy. The sale and production of cannabis products contributed $2.4 billion to the province’s GDP in 2019, and British Columbia ranks 2nd among Canadian provinces in terms of the number of production license holders and 3rd in terms of the number of authorized retailers.

British Columbians have a marked preference for buds.
Despite a diverse product offer, most cannabis enthusiasts tend to stick to what they know best. Nearly 67% of consumers prefer buds, while 17% choose pre-rolled products. Edibles come in last at 0.5%, while plant extracts and concentrates appeal to a significant number of consumers (16%).

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